Unprecedented times. Pivoting. Navigating the New Normal. Wear a Mask.
I know I am nowhere near the first, nor unfortunately, the last person to give you the terms above. We knew that 2020 had an impact on our community – an impact that would be felt beyond the time of herd immunity and 100% capacity events. I appreciate the nearly 100 AMCs that took the time out of a very dynamic time for all of our businesses to give us data about both the impact on their business as well as where the AMC Institute is hitting the mark or has opportunities to develop.
Here are some highlights from our industry survey:
• 90% of AMC-managed full-service associations sustained the pandemic.
• AMCs offer highly stable employment to our talent and a stable workforce for our client partners.
• 60% of firms reported maintaining or increasing new business opportunities.
• 95% of respondents expressed an optimistic outlook for the future of the AMC industry.
• 80% of AMCI members plan to execute in-person meetings by Q3 2021 (note: we all know this number is an ever-moving target based on both geographic location and overall vaccination rates; this was the data provided in February 2020.)
Based on all the above, we know that our AMC community has had an increased need for connection, engagement, and information over the past year. We learned the following about the AMC member experience:
• Engagement Lounges are the most popular program with AMC membership.
• 96% of our member AMCs experience direct benefits of their membership
• Business development/strategic planning is the most frequently identified subject of interest to members.
The following are areas where AMC Institute members identified a need for additional resources:
• Educational Opportunities
• Value of AMC Model Marketing Campaigns
• Research
On behalf of the AMC Institute Board of Directors, I appreciate reading the good news and the areas of opportunity for both our industry and our association. This feedback will directly inform conversations planned for our June meeting.
Over the past year, I have been buoyed by so many things: watching my teen boys adapt to new learning styles and social limitations, seeing our MCI team adapt and thrive in a remote environment, recognizing some of the benefits of taking a pause from travel and reinvesting that time in other areas. One of the key areas of pride and gratitude center around the strength and resilience of the AMC model, which this data supports.
I hope to see many of you at the upcoming annual meeting in June, where we can continue this conversation about how to advance the industry in a post-pandemic world. And because I need to close how I opened; I will use another pandemic cliché: “we are better together.” In this case, it is a cliché because it is true. Thanks to all of you, your teams, and the results we have driven across the association industry during such a challenging and unique year.
To access the Executive Summary, click here.