Marketing the AMC ModelAMCI Marketing ResearchTo advance awareness of and interest in the AMC model through valid and credible data, AMCI is committed to an ongoing research program with cyclical focus on client needs and opportunities, model strengths and benefits, the overall impact and influence of our industry, and association management trends and solutions provided by the model. AMC-Management Model Continues to OutperformThe results are in – AMC-management model generated more consistent operating surpluses and grew reserves to a greater extent between 2006 and 2015 than did the non-AMC-model (i.e., directly employed staff and full financial responsibility for occupancy and capital costs). A complete report of the findings, methodology and list of organizations studied are in: “AMC-Managed Organizations Generate Operating Surpluses More Consistently over 10-Year Study Period Than Organizations Not Managed by AMCs.” The data analyzed was all extracted from each organization’s 990 filings over the 10-year period. Click here for the full article. Marketing the AMC Model to Potential Clients: InfographicResearch done by AMCI over the last two years tells a strong story on the positive impact of the AMC model for associations. In order to support our members’ business development efforts, we have created an infographic that highlights the significant proof points that underscore the effectiveness of the model. The infographic is available here and focuses on the value proposition, financial strength and industry impact of the AMC model, providing relevant statistics and key messages. |