Member Spotlight

Emma Roberts, DES Vice-President Base Consulting & Management Inc.
About Emma Roberts (ER): Emma joined Base Consulting in 2012 with an initial focus on management of all cross-country meeting and educational events for one client, where we were the external project partner. Subsequently, Emma has provided team leadership and association management for several national associations, supporting Boards and various committees, developing Strategic Plans, marketing and business development plans and providing overall direction. Emma acts as team leader to her Conference Manager and Communications colleagues. She is an accomplished meeting professional, and has held a volunteer portfolio with the Meeting Professionals International Toronto Chapter. Emma previously spent 10 years in the corporate world.
AMCI: Advice you wish you could tell your younger self ER: This applies both personally, professionally, in volunteer roles etc. If there is something you want to try or experience, ask for it. The worst someone can say is "No" - hopefully with a fair and understandable reason. You are your biggest advocate and its ok to be ambitious and show it. You are worth it and deserving, so celebrate your achievements!
AMCI: What is your greatest superpower? ER: My ability to see 5 steps ahead. I am a strategic thinker and generally consider outcomes/ramifications to actions rather than responding in the moment.
AMCI: What do you love most about the AMC community? ER: I really appreciate how open members are - how we share our experiences and work collegially together to educate ourselves, our colleagues and potential clients about who we are and what we do.
AMCI: What’s playing in the car when you drive? (music, podcast, book, talk) ER: Usually a podcast. I'm like the true crime ones - I've been following the Murdaugh Murders Podcast by Mandy Matney. I also like Canadian True Crime and of course My Favorite Murder. Podcasts about society also interest me, from The Gravy Train about the life of Doug Ford and the recent Stuff The British Stole. And Dolly Parton's America was fascinating to listen to.
AMCI: If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why? ER: I'd love to be able to pop into the shoes of someone in the audience on the Vegas strip, back in the Rat Pack Days. To see Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Joey Bishop, and Peter Lawford doing their schtick live on stage would have been amazing! And then pop next door to see Elvis too of course ;)
AMCI: Final question: What is your go to cocktail/mocktail? ER: Either a Bellini - Fresh not Frozen! Or a Vodka mixed with Coke Zero. Luksusowa Vodka is my go to!
About Member Spotlight AMC Institute is spotlighting its membership to help connect more people together in the AMC community. If you are interested seeing one of your team members in the spotlight, send us an email at [email protected] or fill out the survey here.