AMCI's Annual Meeting is just ONE WEEK away! We are excited to be joining over 180 AMCI members as we gather together at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. Together we will be inspired by amazing keynotes, educated by our speaker peers, and we will build long lasting relationships as we network with each other. Additionally, we anticipate being filled with amazing food, desserts, and drinks, all while being in one of the most beautiful locations to hold meetings. And we haven't even covered everything that will be happening next week. For those who are attending, this will be a meeting that will be long remembered.
For those who have not yet registered, there is still a little time left to register.
If you are attending, please remember to check your Know Before You Go email for relevant information on:
- Health and Safety Standards
- Travel
- Schedule
- Hotel Information
- Dress Code
We are excited to see so many of our AMC members next week! Please take a moment to stop by the registration desk when you arrive and say hi to our staff. We are looking forward to connecting with you!
Your AMCI Staff